Dr. Hyemin Han is Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and Educational Neuroscience at the University of Alabama.
Hyemin Han Biography
Dr. Han also coordinates the Educational Psychology graduate program. With interdisciplinary research interests in the improvement of education, Dr. Han conducts research projects in Social, Emotional, and Educational (SEED) Neuroscience. His research interests include neuroscience of morality, socio-moral development, growth mindset, educational intervention, computational simulation, and professional ethics education. Regarding topics in moral and character education, he is particularly interested in using diverse exemplars to promote students’ cognitive, affective, and motivational development in moral domains. Before joining the University of Alabama, he worked as a moral education teacher in secondary schools in South Korea. He received bachelor’s degrees in ethics education (BA) and astronomy (BS) from Seoul National University, a master’s degree in Science, Technology, and Society (MS) from Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), and a PhD degree in Developmental and Psychological Sciences from Stanford University.