Jodie M. Skolnick, FL, USA

Board of Directors
Jodie earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Michigan and MBA in marketing from the University of St. Thomas. As a marketing communications professional for both business to business and consumer companies, she has applied “voice of the customer” and other research tools to guide her clients in setting their strategic direction and developing creative communication materials.

Jodi M Skolnick Biography

Over the past 20 years, Jodie has concentrated on creating and leading fundraising events for domestic and international non-profit organizations. Among her proudest accomplishments is championing a one-of-a-kind annual event on behalf of the Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans that has helped women veterans successfully navigate a path from homeless to self-sufficiency for the last decade.

Among her other leadership roles, Jodie has served as an officer or volunteer board member on several local and national non-profit organizations including providing leadership development for other professionals in these organizations.

Jodie has travelled extensively internationally and lived in Japan for four years.  She is so excited to be a part of the International Kindness Reset team as it is so needed by societies around the world and it’s a great way to give back for all she has been privileged to experience