What is a Kindness Care Facility? Much like a Kindness School it is a care center for vulnerable adults where everything happens through the lens of kindness. From policies and procedures to traditions, everything that happens in a care facility is kind! The first step in becoming a Kindness Care Facility is to adopt our curriculum for care providers called: Mindfully Kind: A Pocket Guide for Care Providers. The purpose of using our pocket guide is to support care providers in elevating their personal and collective emotional intelligence and to reduce stress through mindful kindness experiences. These experiences serve as the foundation for continuing mindful kindness actions and reducing stress, resulting in wellness, kindness, compassion, and empathy flourishing beyond measure throughout the entire community. For more information about our pocket guide please see our Executive Summary and check out our completed projects.

If you want to become a Kindness Care Facility, please complete the form below:

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