Meet Our Senior Advisory Council

Senior Advisory Council is comprised of invited professionals in such fields as psychology,  philosophy of education, education, counseling, and more. Members of the Council will provide consultation on specific topics as requested by the Board of Directors. There is a 3-year term limit for Senior Advisory Council members. We value their expertise and welcome their recommendations. The members are presented in alphabetical order.

Marielle Benanti, M.A.; NJ, USA

Senior Advisory Council

Adrienne Lee Dinh, MA, USA

Senior Advisory Council

Suz Hahn, OR, USA

Senior Advisory Council

Dr. Hyemin Han, PhD, AL, USA

Senior Advisory Council

Dr. Velma R.C. Johnson, WA, USA

Senior Advisory Council

Hal Sanders Gwin, Jr., FL, USA

Senior Advisory Council

Ginger MacDonald, PhD, WA, USA

Senior Advisory Council

Toti Jean Marc Yale, Cote d’Ivoire

Senior Advisory Council